The Committee


Our pre-school is a registered charity run by a committee who themselves are parents of children attending our group.


All committee members’ work on a voluntary basis. At least one committee member is available to speak to each morning at the registration table.


The pre-school staff and committee work together to provide a safe stimulating environment in which children develop and learn through play. Both the staff and committee are happy to spend time with parents to ensure that the children get the very best care and attention.


The staff are very grateful to the committee for the hard work that they put in to running the pre-school and organising fund-raising events to ensure that we can buy new and replace old equipment, and fund activities beneficial to the children. Our newly revamped outside play area is a great hit with the children and we are looking forward to making the most of the summer weather!


It is essential that there is a constant stream of new parents joining the committee to ensure the future of the Pre-School, which has been running for 25 years. Joining the committee can be a good way of meeting new people and having an input in how money is spent and how the pre-school is developed. You do not need any specialist skills to join our committee, and you do not need to take on an officer role.


An Annual General Meeting is held in the autumn of each year and all parents of children attending our pre-school are invited to attend. This is when the committee members are elected.


If you are interested in becoming a committee member please speak to a member of the committee available at the registration desk or pass your name and number on to a staff member

Our Chairpersons are Kezia Newman and Amanda Oliver . Committee members are available on the registration desk each morning or can be contacted at

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